!!!Lennart Ljung
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 1976 - present Professor of the Chair of Automatic Control, Linköping Institute of Technology, Linköping, Sweden, now Emeritus.
* 2009 - 2011 Director of the Strategic Research Area ELLIIT, a joint center between Linköping, Lund, Blekinge and Halmstad.
* 2008 - 2010 Director of the Linneaus Center CADICS funded by the Swedish Research Council.
* 2006 - 2012 Director of the Strategic Research Center MOVIII, funded by the SSF, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research.
* 2002 - 2007 Director of the Cross-Disciplinary Center VISIMOD funded by the SSF, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research.
* 1995 - 2006 Director of the NUTEK/VINNOVA Competence Center ISIS
* 1985 - 1986 Visiting Scientist at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) at MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
* 1980-1981 Visiting Professor at the Information Systems Laboratory, Information of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
* 1975 -1976 Associate Professor (Docent) in Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden.
* 1974-1975 Research Associate at the Information Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* Doctor Honoris Causa from Baltic State University St Petersbourg (1996), Uppsala University (1998), Université de Technologie de Troyes (2004), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2004), Technical University of Helsinki (2008).
* 2014: The AUTOMATICA Prize Paper Award for papers published in AUTOMATICA 2011-2013.
* 2011-2015: ERC Advanced Grant for the project LEARN
* 2007: The IEEE Control Systems award (one awarded per year)
* 2004: Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
* 2003: The Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize, awarded by the IEEE Control Systems Society.
* 2002: The Quazza Medal, awarded by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC): one awarded every 3 years
* 2001: Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering Sciences
* 1996: The Chester Carlson Research Prize, awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
* 1995: Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA)
* 1993: The AUTOMATICA Prize Paper Award for papers published in AUTOMATICA 1990-1992.
* 1985: Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
* 1985: Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), ("For Contributions to Adaptive Control and Recursive Identification".)
* 1981: The AUTOMATICA Prize Paper Award for papers published in AUTOMATICA 1978-1980.
* 1979: The IEEE Control System Society Outstanding Paper Award for papers published in IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control 1977-1978

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Ljung_Lennart/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Ljung_Lennart/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Ljung_Lennart/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Ljung_Lennart/OtherInformation]

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