Lennart Ljung - Publications#

Lennart Ljung has published 10 books, and about 200 journal papers and 350 conference papers.
His publication list (up to 2012) can be found at http://users.isy.liu.se/en/rt/ljung/llpubl.html
Citation count from Google Scholar. Total citations 50674.
h-index 74 (39 since 2011), i10-index 277 (133 since 2011)

Most Cited Publications

[1] L. Ljung. System Identification - Theory for the User. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 2nd edition, 1999.
Number of citations 21902.

[2] L. Ljung and T. Söderström. Theory and Practice of Recursive Identification. MIT press, Cambridge, Mass., 1983.
Number of citations 3869.

[3] L. Ljung. The System Identification Toolbox: The Manual. The Math-Works Inc. 1st edition 1986, 9th edition 2014, Natick, MA, USA, 2014.
Number of citations 1719.

[4] J. Sjöberg, Q. Zhang, L. Ljung, A. Benveniste, B. Delyon, P.Y. Glorennec, H. Hjalmarsson, and A. Juditsky. Nonlinear black-box modeling in system identification: A unied overview. Automatica, 31(12):1691-1724, 1995.
Number of citations 1611.

[5] L. Ljung. Analysis of recursive stochastic algorithms. In T. Basar, editor, CONTROL THEORY: Twenty-Five Seminal Papers (1932-1981), pages 457 - 485. IEEE Press, 2000. Reprinted from IEEE Trans. Autom.Control, 1977.
Number of citations 1268.

Some Recent Papers

[6] Tianshi Chen, Tohid Ardeshiri, Francesca P. Carli, Alessandro Chiuso, Lennart Ljung, Gianluigi Pillonetto. Maximum entropy properties of discrete-time first-order stable spline kernel Automatica, 52(4) 34-38,
Number of citations 6

[7] Gianluigi Pillonetto, Francesco Dinuzzo, Tianshi Chen, Giuseppe De Nicolao, and Lennart Ljung. Kernel methods in system identification, machine learning and function estimation: A survey. Automatica,
50(3):657{683, 2014.
Number of citations 100.

[8] T. Chen, M. S. Andersen, L. Ljung, A. Chiuso, and G. Pillonetto. System identification via sparse multiple kernel-based regularization using sequential convex optimization techniques. IEEE Trans. Autom Control,
59(11):2933{2945, 2014.
Number of citations 22.

[9] Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Identification of switched linear regression models using sum-of-norms regularization. Automatica, 49(4):1045{1050, 2013.
Number of citations 25.

[10] Adrian Wills, Thomas Schön, Lennart Ljung, and Brett Ninness. Identification of Hammerstein-Wiener models. Automatica, 49(1):70-81, 2013.
Number of citations 54.
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