!!Jeffrey Kramer - Selected Publications
Magee, J. and Kramer, J.,  "Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs", 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons (Worldwide Series in Computer Science), April 2006, 413 pages.\\
(Google Scholar citations - 1183; the book is used in numerous courses worldwide)\\
Magee, J., Dulay, N., Eisenbach, S., Kramer,J.   “Specifying Distributed Software Architectures”,  (5th European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC ‘95), Sitges, September 1995), LNCS 989, (Springer-Verlag), 1995, 137-153.\\
(GS citations - 1112;   the Darwin software architecture was adapted for commercial use by Philips in their new generation of consumer television products using Koala)\\
Kramer,J., and  Magee,J., "The Evolving Philosophers Problem: Dynamic Change Management"\\IEEE Trans. on Software Eng., SE-16 (11),  (1990), 1293-1306.\\
(GS citations - 833;  provided the foundations for subsequent research on safe management of dynamic software reconfiguration)\\
Magee, J.,  Kramer,J.  “Dynamic Structure in Software Architectures”,\\(4th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 4), San Francisco, October 1996), SEN, Vol.21, No.6, November 1996, 3-14.\\
(GS citations - 730;  retrospectively given the ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award 2013)\\
Nuseibeh, B., Kramer, J., and Finkelstein, A., “A Framework for Expressing the Relationship between Multiple Views in Requirements Specifications”, IEEE Trans. on Software Eng., SE-20 (10), Special Issue on ICSE-15, (1994), 760-773.\\
(GS citations - 601; provides the basis for multi-perspective research in requirements)\\
Kramer J. and Magee J., “Self-Managed Systems: an Architectural Challenge”, in L. Briand and A. L. Wolf, eds., Future of Software Engineering 2007, IEEE-CS Press, 2007.\\
(GS citations - 586;  provides a widely used architectural reference model for adaptive systems)\\
Kramer J.  “Is Abstraction the Key to Computing?”, Communications of the ACM, 50 (4), April 2007, 36 – 42.\\
(GS citations - 265)\\
Sykes, D., Corapi, D., Magee, J., Kramer J., Russo, A., Inoue, K.,  “Learning Revised Models For Planning In Self-Adaptive Systems” 35th IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE-2013), San Francisco, May 2013.\\
D’Ippolito N., Braberman V., Kramer J., Magee J., Sykes D., and Uchitel S.,   “Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst: Multi-Tier Control for Adaptive Systems”, 36th IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE-2014), Hyderabad, June 2014. \\
Alrajeh, D., Kramer, J., Russo A. and Uchitel, S.,  “Automated Support for Diagnosis and Repair”, Communications of the ACM, 58 (2), February 2015, 65 – 72.