Lambertus Kiemeney - Selected Publications#

ResearcherID: D-3357-2009
Records in PubMed: 509*)+OR+(Kiemeney+B*)+OR+(Kiemeneij+L*)+OR+(Kiemeneij+b*)
Web of Science H-index: 75
Number of times cited: 24,819

1. Cremers RG, Eeles RA, Bancroft EK, Ringelberg-Borsboom J, Vasen HF, Van Asperen CJ; The IMPACT Steering Committee, Schalken JA, Verhaegh GW, Kiemeney LA. The role of the PCA3 urine test in addition to serum PSA in prostate cancer screening among BRCA-mutation carriers. Urol Oncol 2015; 33: 202.e19-202.e28. (this study shows that the PCA3 test is not a solution to avoid overdiagnosis and underdiagnosis with PSA testing in high-risk men)

2. Grotenhuis AJ, Dudek AM, Verhaegh GW, Aben KK, Witjes JA, Kiemeney LA*, Vermeulen SH*. Independent replication of published germline polymorphisms associated with urinary bladder cancer prognosis and treatment response. Bladder Cancer 2016; 2: 77-89. * Shared last authorship. (this study shows that almost all reports on the prognostic role of candidate genes in bladder cancer are probably false positive)

3. Cremers RG, Galesloot TE, Aben KK, van Oort IM, Vasen HF, Vermeulen SH, Kiemeney LA. Known susceptibility SNPs for sporadic prostate cancer show a similar association with "hereditary" prostate cancer. Prostate. 2015 Apr;75(5):474-83. (this study suggests that many socalled hereditary prostate cancers are just screen-detected sporadic cancers and warns urologists against PSA testing in all prostate cancer families)

4. Rafnar T, Sulem P, Thorleifsson G, ... Kiemeney LA*, Stefansson K*. Genome-wide association study yields variants at 20p12.2 that associate with urinary bladder cancer. Hum Mol Genet 2014; 23(20): 5545-57. (* shared last authorship) (this study suggests that JAG1, an important component of the Notch signaling pathways may play a role in bladder cancer risk)

5. Grotenhuis AJ, Dudek AM, Verhaegh GW, Witjes JA, Aben KK, van der Marel SL, Vermeulen SH, Kiemeney LA. Prognostic relevance of urinary bladder cancer susceptibility Loci. PLoS One 2014 Feb 25;9(2):e89164. (This study provides suggestive evidence that genetic loci involved in bladder cancer etiology may also influence disease prognosis)

6. Ros MM, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Kampman E, ... Kiemeney LA. Plasma carotenoids and vitamin C concentrations and risk of urothelial cell carcinoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 2012; 96(4): 902-10. (this study provides suggestive evidence that plasma antioxydants decrease the risk of bladder cancer)

7. Rafnar T, Vermeulen SH, Sulem P, ... Kiemeney LA. European Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies SLC14A1 as a New Urinary Bladder Cancer Susceptibility Gene. Hum Mol Genet 2011; 20(21): 4268-81. (this study directs future mechanistic research into an explanation why urine concentration may be relevant for bladder cancer; cited 55 times)

8. Kiemeney LA, Sulem P, Besenbacher S, ... Stefansson K. A sequence variant at 4p16.3 confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer. Nat Genet 2010; 42(5): 415-9. (this study showed that a gene, FGFR3, that has important prognostic relevance is also a susceptibility gene for bladder cancer; cited 81 times)

9. Roelofzen JHJ, Aben KKH, Oldenhof UTH, van der Valk PGM, van de Kerkhof PCM, Coenraads PJ, Alkemade HA, Kiemeney LALM. No increased risk of cancer after coal tar treatment in patients with psoriasis or eczema. J Invest Dermatol 2010; 130: 953-61. (this study provided the long awaited and important evidence for dermatologists that it is safe to treat patients with coal tar)

10. Kiemeney LA, Thorlacius S, Sulem P, ... Stefansson K. Sequence variant on 8q24 confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer. Nat Genet 2008; 40(11): 1307-1312. (the first GWAS in bladder cancer, now cited 237 times).
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