Marko Juvan - Recent publications#


Hibridni žanri: študije o križancih izkustva, mišljenja in literature(Hybrid Genres: Crossing Literature with Thinking and Experience). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2017. Summary PDF: Hybrid genres - summary.pdf(info)

Prešernovska struktura in svetovni literarni sistem (The Prešernian Structure and the World Literary System). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2012. Table of contents (Slovenian) & English summary (PDF): juvan_presernovska_svetovni_summary_offprint_0.pdf(info)

Literary Studies in Reconstruction: An Introduction to Literature. Frankfurt a/M. etc.: P. Lang, 2011. Preface (PDF): literary_studies_in_reconstruction_preface.pdf(info)

History and Poetics of Intertextuality. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2008. Google books: Introduction (PDF):juvan-intertext-intro_0.pdf(info)


The charisma of theory. In: MIHAILESCU, Calin Andrei, YOKOTA-MURAKAMI, Takayuki (eds.). Policing literary theory. Leiden, Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2018. Pp. 89-110.

The poetic sacrifice:cultural saints and literary nation building. Frontiers of narrative studies 4.1 (2018):158-165.

Perspectivizing world literature. Literaturna mis"l 61.1 (2018): 3-19. Offprint PDF: Perspectivizing_wordlit__man_Juvan_LM_1_2018-2.pdf(info)

The aesthetics and politics of belonging: national poets between "Vernacularism" and "Cosmopolitanism". Arcadia: Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 52.1 (2017): 10-28.

Literature and the politics of denial: Slovenian novels on 'the erasure'. In: BITI, Vladimir (ed.). Claiming the dispossession: the politics of hi/storytelling in post-imperial Europe. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2017. Pp. 194-223.

From political theater in Yugoslav socialism to political performance in global capitalism: the case of Slovenian Mladinsko theater. European review 24.1 (2016):72-82. http://doi: 10.1017/S1062798715000459.

The nation between the epic and the novel: France Prešeren's The Baptism on the Savica as a compromise "world text". Canadian review of comparative literature 42.4 (2015):382-395.

From spatial turn to GIS-mapping of literary cultures. European review 23.1 (Feb. 2015):81-96.

In the background of the 'alphabet war': Slovenian-Czech interliterary relations and world literature. Interlitteraria 20.supplement 1 (2015): 148-158.

(With DOKLER, Joahim). Towards a GIS analysis of literary cultures: the making of the Slovenian ethnoscape through literature. International journal of humanities and arts computing 9.2 (2015): 196-218.

Taking Darwin Metaphorically and Literally: Genres and Sciences in a Survival Struggle. Neohelicon: Acta comparationis litterarum universarum (24 April 2014)

Doing Literature without Thinking: Paralogical Devices and the Literary Field. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 41.1 (March 2014): 54-71.Project MUSE. Web. 4 May. 2014.

The crisis of late capitalism and the renaissance of world literature. In: RATIANI, Irma (ed.). National literatures and the process of cultural globalization: proceedings. Tbilisi: Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian literature, 2014. 21-33.

Introduction to World Literatures from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-first Century. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.5 (2013):

Worlding Literatures between Dialogue and Hegemony. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.5 (2013):

Romanticism and National Poets on the Margins of Europe: Prešeren and Hallgrimsson. Literary Dislocations: 4th International REELC/ENCLS Congress. Ed. Sonja Stojmenska-Elzeser and Vladimir Martinovski. Skopje: Institute of Macedonian Literature, 2012. 592-600. Article (PDF):Juvan_Romanticism_National_Poets_Margins_LITDSILOC_SK-corr.pdf(info)

World Literature in Carniola: Transfer of Romantic Cosmopolitanism and the Making of National Literature. Interlitteraria (Tartu) 17 (2012): 27-49. Article (PDF):TransferWLinCarniola_Interlitteraria_CEEOL Article.PDF(info)

Cultural Circulation and the Book: Literature, Knowledge, Space, and Economy (an Introduction). Primerjalna književnost (Ljubljana) 35.1 (2012): 23-35. Article in Slovenian & English (PDF):Juvan_Kulturni obtok&Cultural circulation_PKn.pdf(info)

World literature(s) and peripheries. In: Transformations of the European landscape: encounters between the self and the other (Acta litteraria comparativa, vol. 5). Vilnius: Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto leidykla, 2011. 272-285.

The Palimpsest of Ruins: Cultural Memory, European Literary Intertext, and Postromanticism in Simon Jenko's "Picture VII". Neohelicon (Budapest) 37 (2010): 537–543. Paper (PDF): Palimpsest of Ruins-Neohelicon37-2010.pdf(info)

“Peripherocentrisms:” Geopolitics of Comparative Literatures between Ethnocentrism and Cosmopolitanism. Histoire de la littérature et jeux d'échange entre centres et périphéries: les identités relatives des littératures. Eds. Jean Bessière, Judit Maár. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2010. Pp. 53–63. (Cahiers de la nouvelle Europe, 12). Paper (PDF):Juvan-Peripherocentrism-Histoire-Harmattan2010.pdf(info)

Towards a History of Intertextuality in Literary and Culture Studies. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (West Lafayette, IN) 10.3 (2008)

Postmodernity and Critical Editions of Literary Texts: Towards the Virtual Presence of the Past. Literatures in the Digital Era: Theory and Praxis. Eds. Amelia Sanz, Dolores Romero. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2007. Pp. 201–220.

Edited works :

(editor): Prostori slovenske književnosti (The Spaces of Slovenian Literature). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2016. PDF Summary: Summary_Prostor_SLO.pdf(info)

(co-editor): Prostorski obrat v literarni vedi = The Spatial Turn in Literary Studies. Primerjalna književnost 36.2 (2013).

(editor): World Literatures from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-first Century. Special Issue of CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.5 (December 2013)

(editor): Svetovne književnosti in obrobja (World Literatures and Peripheries). Ed. Marko Juvan. Ljubljana: ZRC, 2012. Summary (PDF): juvan_svetovne_knjizevnosti_in_obrobja-summary.pdf(info)

(co-editor): Primerjalna književnost v 20. stoletju in Anton Ocvirk (Comparative Literature in the 20th Century and Anton Ocvirk). Ljubljana: ZRC, 2008. Read in Google Books:

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