!!Alain Israel - Selected publications
*KIERAN M., BLANK V., LOGEAT F., VANDEKERCKHOVE J., LOTTSPEICH F, LE BAIL O., URBAN M. B., KOURILSKY P., BAEUERLE P. A. & ISRAEL A. The DNA-binding subunit of NF- B is identical to factor KBF1 and homologous to the rel oncogene product, Cell (1990) 62, 1007-1018

*RICE N.R., MACKICHAN M.L. & ISRAEL A. The precursor of NF- B p50 has I B-like functions, Cell (1992) 71, 243-253

*JARRIAULT S., BROU C. , LOGEAT F., SCHROETER E.H., KOPAN R. & ISRAEL, A. Signaling downstream of activated mammalian Notch, Nature (1995) 377, 355-358

*YAMAOKA S., COURTOIS C., BESSIA C., T. WHITESIDE, S.T., WEIL R., AGOU F., KIRK H.E., KAY R.J.& ISRAEL A. Complementation cloning of NEMO, a component of the I B Kinase Complex essential for NF- B activation, Cell (1998) 93, 1231-1240

*LOGEAT F., BESSIA C., BROU C., LEBAIL O., JARRIAULT S., SEIDAH N.G & ISRAEL A. The Notch1 receptor is constitutively cleaved by a furin-like convertase, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, (1998) 95, 8108-8112

*BROU C., LOGEAT F., GUPTA N., BESSIA C., LEBAIL O., DOEDENS J.R., CUMANO A. ROUX P., BLACK, R. & ISRAEL A. A novel proteolytic cleavage involved in Notch signaling : role of the disintegrinmetalloprotease TACE., Mol Cell, (2000) 5, 207-216

*SMAHI A. et al. (International Incontinentia Pigmenti Consortium) Genomic rearrangement in NEMO impairs NF- B activation and is a cause of incontinentia pigmenti., Nature (2000) 405, 466-472

*WEIL R., SCHWAMBORN K., ALCOVER A., BESSIA C., DI BARTOLO V.& ISRAEL A. Induction of the NF- B cascade by recruitment of the scaffold molecule NEMO to the T Cell Receptor., Immunity (2003) 18, 13-26

*KOVALENKO, A., CHABLE-BESSIA, C., CANTARELLA, G., ISRAEL, A., WALLACH, D. & COURTOIS, G. Tumor suppressor CYLD negatively regulates NF- B signaling by deubiquitylation, Nature (2003) 424, 801-805

*GUPTA-ROSSI, N., SIX E., LEBAIL O., LOGEAT F., CHASTAGNER P., OLRY A., ISRAEL, A. & BROU C. Monoubiquitination and endocytosis direct gamma-secretase cleavage of activated Notch receptor, J Cell Biol (2004) 166, 73-83

*HEUSS, SF., NDIAYE-LOBRY, D., SIX, E., ISRAËL, A. & LOGEAT, F. The intracellular region of Notch ligands Dll1 and Dll3 regulates their trafficking and signaling activity, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2008) 105, 11212-11217

*LAPLANTINE E, FONTAN E, CHIARAVALLI J, LOPEZ T, LAKISIC G, VERON M, AGOU F, ISRAËL A. NEMO specifically recognizes K63-linked polyubiquitin chains through a new bipartite ubiquitin-binding domain., EMBO J. (2009) 28, 2885-2895.
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