!!Tibor Harkany - Selected Publications
__Cumulative citations:__ 3,597 (ISI Web of Science); 5,047 (Citation Scholar) \\
__Cumulative impact factor:__ > 650\\
__h-index:__ 35 (ISI Web of Science); 39 (Citation Scholar)\\
Fuzik J, Zeisel A, Mate Z, Calvigioni D, Yanagawa Y, Szabo G, Linnarsson S, Harkany T. Integration of electrophysiological recordings with single-cell RNA-seq data identifies neuronal subtupes. Nat Biotech (2016) 34:175-183. \\
Malenczyk K, Keimpema E, Piscitelli F, Calvigioni D, Björklund P, Mackie K, Di Marzo V, Hökfelt TG, Dobrzyn A, Harkany T. Fetal endocannabinoids orchestrate the organization of pancreatic islet microarchitecture. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015, 112:E6185-E6194. \\
Romanov R, Alpar A, Zhang MD, Zeisel A, Calas A, Landry M, Fuszard M, Shirran SL, Schnell R, Dobolyi A, Olah M, Spence L, Mulder J, Martens H, Palkovits M, Uhlen M, Sitte HH, Botting CH, Wagner L, Linnarsson S, Hökfelt T, Harkany T. A secretagogin locus of the mammalian hypothalamus controls stress hormone release. EMBO Journal 2015, 34:36-54. \\
Maccarrone M, Guzmán M, Mackie K, Doherty P, Harkany T. Programming of neural cells by (endo)cannabinoids: from physiological rules to emerging therapies. Nat Rev Neurosci 2014, 15: 786-801. \\
Alpár A, Tortoriello G, Calvigioni D, Niphakis MJ, Milenkovic I, Bakker J, Cameron GA, Hanics J, Morris CV, Fuzik J, Kovacs GG, Cravatt BF, Parnavelas JG, Andrews WD, Hurd YL, Keimpema E, Harkany T. Endocannabinoids modulate cortical development by configuring Slit2/Robo1 signalling. Nat Commun 2014, 5:4421. \\
Tortoriello G, Morris CV, Alpar A, Fuzik J, Shirran SL, Calvigioni D, Keimpema E, Botting CH, Reinecke K, Herdegen T, Courtney M, Hurd YL, Harkany T. Miswiring the brain: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol disrupts cortical connectivity by induction of a SCG10/stathmin-2 degradation pathway, EMBO Journal 2014, 33:668-685. \\
Keimpema E, Tortoriello G, Alpar A, Capsoni S, Arisi I, Cattaneo A, Doherty P, Mackie K, Harkany T. Nerve growth factor scales endocannabinoid signaling by regulating monoacylglycerol lipase turnover in developing cholinergic. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013, 110:1935-1940. \\
Attems J, Alpar A, Spence L, McParland S, Heikenwalder M, Uhlén M, Tanila H, Hökfelt TG, Harkany T, Clusters of secretagogin-espressing neurons in in the aged human olfactory tract lack terminal differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012, 109:6259-6264. \\
Mulder J, Zilberter M, Pasquare S, Alpár A, Schulte G, Ferreira SG, Köfalvi A, Martín-Moreno AM, Keimpema E, Tanila H, Watanabe M, Mackie K, Hortobágyi T, de Ceballos ML, Harkany T. Molecular rearrangements of endocannabinoid signalling in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 2011, 134:1041-1060.\\
Berghuis P, Rajnicek AM, Morozov YM, Ross RA, Mulder J, Monory K, Marsicano G, Matteoli M, Canty A, Yanagawa Y, Rakic P, Lutz B, Mackie K, Harkany T. Hardwiring the brain: endocannabinoids shape neuronal connectivity, Science 2007, 316:1212-1216.