Philippe Gosselin - Selected publications#

  • Gosselin, D., Tindemans, B. (2016) "Thinking Futures, strategy at the edge of complexity and uncertainty", Lannoo Campus: Leuven.
  • Gosselin, D., Tindemans, B. (2012) "Toekomstmakers, hoe besturen bij onzekerheid", Lannoo Campus: Leuven.
  • Gosselin, D., Tindemans, B. (2011) "Traceurs d’Avenir, l’art d’anticiper l’imprévisible", Éditions Racine: Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Gosselin, D., Tindemans, B. (2010) "Toekomstmakers, de kunst van het vooruitdenken", Lannoo Campus: Leuven.
  • Fassin, Y., Gosselin, D. (2011), "The collapse of a European bank in the financial crisis: an analysis from stakeholder and ethical perspectives", Journal of Business Ethics, 102 (2) 169-191
  • Gosselin, D.P., Huerre, T. (2010) "A Quoi Pourraient Ressembler les 2030´s et les Au-delà?" in P. Duclos, L.Tribot la Spière (Eds.) L'Europe sous tension énergétique, 179-190, Centre d'Étude et de Prospective Stratégique (CEPS): Paris.
  • Gosselin, D.P., Leysen, J. (2008) "Vision of evolutions in the petroleum market", European Review of Energy Markets, 2 (3) 1-33.
  • Gosselin, D.P., Bauwen, G.A. (2006) "Strategic Account Management: Customer Value Creation through Customer Alignment", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 21(6) 376-385.
  • Gosselin, D.P., Heene, A. (2005) "Strategic Implications of a Competence-Based Management Approach to Account Management", in R Sanchez, J Freiling (Eds.), Research in Competence-Based Management, Vol. 1: A Focused Issue on The Marketing Process in Organizational Competence, 177-200, Elsevier Science: Oxford, UK.
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