!!Chris Frith - Curriculum vitae
[Full CV with list of publications|CV chris.pdf]
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Chris Frith is Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology at the Wellcome Centre for
Neuroimaging at University College London (UCL) and Niels Bohr Visiting Professor in the
Interacting Minds project at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. Since completing his PhD
in 1969 he has been funded by the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust to
study the relationship between the mind and the brain. He is a pioneer in application of brain
imaging to the study of mental processes. He has contributed more than 400 papers to
scientific journals and is known especially for his work on agency, social cognition, and
understanding the minds of people with mental disorders such as schizophrenia. For this
work he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2000.

He was a visiting fellow at All Souls College, Oxford in 2006 and has been awarded
honorary degrees by the University of Salzburg and the University of York. He has published
several books, including, most recently, (with Eve Johnstone) Schizophrenia: A Very Short
Introduction (2003), and (edited with Daniel Wolpert) The Neuroscience of Social
Interaction: Decoding, Imitating and Influencing the Actions of Others (2004). His latest
book, Making up the Mind: How the Brain Creates our Mental World (Wiley-Blackwell
2007), was long-listed for the Royal Society Prize for Science Books, 2008 and received the
2008 Book Award from the British Psychological Society. In 2009 he was awarded the
Strömgren medal for work on Schizophrenia, the European Latsis Prize (Jointly with U Frith)
for woth on „human mind, human brain‟ and the International Prize from the Fyssen
Foundation for work on Neuropsychology.
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