!!Richard Frackowiak - Publications and Bibliometrics
Richard Frackowiak's research interest has been the functional and structural architecture of the human brain in health and disease. He has pioneered the development and introduction of positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and prosecuted a research programme dedicated to understanding the organisation of human brain functions, but his focus has been on plasticity and mechanisms for functional recuperation after brain injury and the patho-­physiology of cerebral neurodegenerations.
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Richard Frackowiak has become interested
in the use of MR-­based morphometry especially in the study of genetic influences on brain disease and in a search for biomarkers and endophenotypes of neurodegenerative disorders. Most recently he has introduced computerised image classification for diagnosis and treatment monitoring into clinical science. The impact of informatics on disease classification and generation of brain imaging biomarkers has been pursued as a PI in the Human Brain Project. He has published 507 peer-­reviewed papers in international journals including 4 in Science and 11 in Nature before retiring in 2015.
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H index = 164; citations/paper >166; 6 edited books including Human Brain Function Academic Press, San Diego
(1997 & 2004)