Kevin Fox - Major publications#

Fox K, Daw N, Sato H, Czepita D (1991) Dark-rearing delays the loss of NMDA- receptor function in kitten visual cortex. Nature 350: 342-344.

Fox K, Schlaggar BL, Glazewski S, O'Leary DD (1996) Glutamate receptor blockade at cortical synapses disrupts development of thalamocoitical and columnar organization in somatosensory cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (PNAS) 93(11): 5584-5589. (cited 134 times)

Glazewski S, Chen CM, Silva A, Fox K (1996) Requirement for alpha-CaMKII in Experience-dependent plasticity ofthe barrel cortex. Science 272: 421-423.

Fox, K., Henley, J., and Isaac, J (1999) Experience-dependent development of NMDA receptor transmission. Nature Neurosci. 2: 297-299.

Fox, K., Glazewski, S and Shulze, S. (2000) Plasticity and stability of somatosensory maps in thalamus and cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 10: 494-497

Glazewski S, Giese KP, Silva A, Fox K. (2000) The role ofalpha-CaMKII autophosphorylation in neocortical experience-dependent plasticity. Nature Neurosci 3: 91 1-918.

Fox, K. and Caterson B. (2002) Freeing the brain from the perineuronal net. Science 298: 1187-1189

Fox, K and Wong, R (2005) A comparison of experience-dependent plasticity in the visual and somatosensory systems. Neuron 48: 465-477.

Wright N, Glazewski S, Hardingham N, Phillips K, Pervolaraki E, Fox K. (2008) Laminar analysis of the role of GluR1 in experience-dependent and synaptic depression in barrel cortex. Nut Neurosci. 1: 1140-1 142.

Hardingham, N, Wright, N and Fox, K (2008) Sensory deprivation unmasks a PKA- dependent pathway for cortical synaptic plasticity that operates in parallel with CaMKII. Neuron 60: 861-874.

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