!!!Peter Philip Edwards
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2013 to date Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
* 2003 - 2013 Professor and Head of Inorganic Chemistry
* 1999 Professor of Chemistry, and of Materials, University of Birmingham
* 1996 Head, School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham
* 1991 Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Birmingham
* 1988 Co-Founder and Co-Director Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Superconductivity, Cambridge University
* 1986 Visiting Professor, Baker Laboratory of Chemistry, Cornell University
* 1979 Demonstrator, then Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, Cambridge University;  Director of Studies in Chemistry, Jesus College, Cambridge
* 1977 SRC Nato Fellow, and Ramsay Memorial Fellow, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford
* 1975 Fulbright Scholar and National Science Foundation Fellow, Cornell University
* 1974 SRC Fellow, Salford and Cambridge Universities
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*__ UK:__
** 2013  Inaugural Distinguished Sir Edward Frankland Lecture, Imperial College, London
** 2012  Armourers and Brasiers  Materials Science Venture Prize
** 2012  Bakerian Lecture , Royal Society of London 
** 2007  DSc, honoris  causa, Salford University  
** 2003  Hughes Medal , Royal Society of London
** 1999  Liversidge Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry 
** 1996  Elected, Fellow of the Royal Society of London
**1992  Tilden Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry
** 1987  Corday-Morgan Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry
** 1975  Fulbright Scholarship
** 2009  Elected, German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
** 2009  CNR Rao Lecturer, Chemical Research Society, India
** 2011  Elected, Einstein Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
** 2012  Elected, International Member, American Philosophical Society

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Edwards_Peter_Philip/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Edwards_Peter_Philip/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Edwards_Peter_Philip/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Edwards_Peter_Philip/OtherInformation]

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