!!Manfred Droste - Short curriculum vitae
Research in automata theory, logic, domain theory, and algebra with more
than 130 refereed publications in international journals and conferences,
and co-editor of 9 books / special journal issues.
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Guest professorships at Universite Paris 6 and 7, research stays (each
of several months) at Oxford University, Hebrew University, Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, and others.
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Member of the editorial boards of 'Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics',
'Advances in Computer Science and Engineering', 'Forum Mathematicum', 'Facta
Universitatis', 'Semantic Structures in Computation' (Kluwer Academic Publ.,
book series), 'Algebra and Discrete Mathematics' (World Scientific Publ.,
book series).
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Chair and Organizer of 17 international conferences since 2000, incl. the
internat. workshop series "Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications"
(2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010) jointly with H. Vogler, TU Dresden. Organizer
of 6 Dagstuhl seminars.
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Plenary invited lectures include AutoMathA 2010 (Wien), 77th AAA 2009 (Potsdam),
12th ORD/OAL 2009 (Bowling Green, USA), ICDMA 2008 (Bangkok, Thailand),
5th Algebra Conf. 2008 (Khon Kaen, Thailand), 10th OAL 2008 (Gainesville,
USA), AFL 2005 (Dobogokö, Hungary), CAI 2005 (Thessaloniki), AAA 2005 (Potsdam),
ESF-Algebra-conference 2003 (Hattingen), LAPTEC 2002 (Sao Paolo, Brazil);
planned for 83rd AAA 2012 (Novi Sad; keynote lecture).
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38 scientific lectures and talks at universities and conferences in 2008
- 2010 incl. Oxford, London, Vienna, Milano, Budapest, Belgrade, Kaliningrad,
Munich, and others.
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Invited lecture series at I.-Kant University Kaliningrad (2009, 2010, 2011).
Supervision of 8 PhD thesis, incl. D. Kuske (now prof. at TU Ilmenau) and
P. Boldi (prof. at University of Milano);
mentor of 2 habilitations (D. Kuske, D. Kirsten).
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Research projects: at the German Research Foundation (DFG): Founding member of the International Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) at TU Dresden; several research projects.