!!Fabio Di Lisa - Publications
H-index: 54 (google scholar)\\
Total number of citations: 10907\\
__Major recent publications and works responsible for international recognition:__\\
1. V. Petronilli, G.Miotto, M.Canton, M.Brini, R.Colonna, P.Bernardi, and F.Di Lisa Transient and long-lasting openings of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore can be monitored directly in intact cells by changes in mitochondrial calcein fluorescence (1999) Biophys. J. 76, 725-734\\
2. F. Di Lisa, R.Menabò, M.Canton, M.Barile, and P.Bernardi Opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore causes depletion of mitochondrial and cytosolic NAD+ and is a causative event in the death of myocytes in post-ischemic reperfusion of the heart (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 2571-2575\\
3. F.Di Lisa, M.Canton, A.Carpi, N.Kaludercic, R.Menabo, S.Menazza and M.Semenzato Mitochondrial injury and protection in ischemic pre- and postconditioning. (2011) Antioxid. Redox. Signal. 14, 881-891Bernardi P, Di Lisa F. The mitochondrial permeability transition pore: molecular nature and role as a target in cardioprotection. (2015) J Mol Cell Cardiol. 78:100-6\\
4. Sileikyte J, Blachly-Dyson E, Sewell R, Carpi A, Menabo R, Di Lisa F, Ricchelli F, Bernardi P, Forte M. Regulation of the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore by the Outer Membrane does not Involve the Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor (TSPO). (2014) J Biol Chem. 289(20):13769-81\\
5. N. Kaludercic, E. Takimoto, T. Nagayama, N. Feng, E.W. Lai, D. Bedja, K. Chen, K.L. Gabrielson, R.D. Blakely, J.C. Shih, K. Pacak, D.A. Kass, F. Di Lisa, N. Paolocci (2010) Monoamine oxidase A-mediated enhanced catabolism of norepinephrine contributes to adverse remodeling and pump failure in hearts with pressure overload. Circ. Res. 106, 193-202.\\
6. M. Canton, S. Menazza, F.L. Sheeran, P. Polverino de Laureto, F. Di Lisa, and S. Pepe Oxidation of myofibrillar proteins in human heart failure. (2011) J.Am.Coll.Cardiol. 57, 300-309.\\
7. Kaludercic N, Carpi A, Nagayama T, Sivakumaran V, Zhu G, Lai EW, Bedja D, De Mario A, Chen K, Gabrielson KL, Lindsey ML, Pacak K, Takimoto E, Shih JC, Kass DA, Di Lisa F, Paolocci N. Monoamine oxidase B prompts mitochondrial and cardiac  dysfunction in pressure overloaded hearts. (2014) Antioxid Redox Signal. 20:267-80.\\
8. Bernardi P, Di Lisa F, Fogolari F, Lippe G. From ATP to PTP and Back: A Dual Function for the Mitochondrial ATP Synthase. (2015) Circ Res. 116:1850-62. \\
9. Varanita T, Soriano ME, Romanello V, Zaglia T, Quintana-Cabrera R, Semenzato M, Menabò R, Costa V, Civiletto G, Pesce P, Viscomi C, Zeviani M, Di Lisa F, Mongillo M, Sandri M, Scorrano L. The OPA1-dependent mitochondrial cristae remodeling pathway controls atrophic, apoptotic, and ischemic tissue damage. Cell Metab. (2015) 21:834-44.\\
10. Sorato E, Menazza S, Zulian A, Sabatelli P, Gualandi F, Merlini L, Bonaldo P, Canton M, Bernardi P, Di Lisa F. Monoamine oxidase inhibition prevents mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis in myoblasts from patients with collagen VI myopathies (2014) Free Radic Biol Med. 75:40-7