!!George Dertilis - Selected Publications
[{Image src='dertilis_george_istoria-tou-elinikou-kratou.jpg' caption='' height='240' alt='George Dertilis - History of the Greek State, 1830-1920)' class='image_right'}]
1. __Social Change and Military Intervention, Greece 1880-1909. __ Athens: Exantas, 1977 (2 editions and 4 reprints)

2. __The Central-Bank Question. Economy and Politics in Nineteenth Century Greece__, with an introduction by C.Th.Dimaras. Athens: Cultural Institute of the National Bank of Greece, 1980 (2 reprints) 

3. __The Industrial Revolution and the Greek Economy (1830-1910).__ Athens: Ant. Sakkoulas, 1984 (4 reprints) 

4. __Banquiers, usuriers et paysans; réseaux de crédit et stratégies du capital en Grèce, 1780-1930. __ Paris: Éditions La Découverte, 1988 (in French) 

5. __Issues in Modern Greek History__ (co-editor with K.Kostis). Athens: Ant. Sakkoulas, 1991. (6 reprints) 

6. __Taxation and Political Power in Modern Greece.__ Athens: Alexandria Publishers, 1993 (2 reprints)
7. __Aei paides apaideutoi. Three Essays on Nationalism, Wealth and Education. __ Athens: Kastaniotis, 1996 (2 reprints) 

8. __Irony and Satire. Two Essays.__  Athens: Kastaniotis, 1998 

9. __History, Culture, and Education. Essays.__ Athens: Kastaniotis, 1998 (1 reprint) 

10. __Europe. Two essays.__ Athens: Kastaniotis, 2000 

11. __Lernaion Kratos. An Essay on the State.__ Athens: Kastaniotis, 2000 

12. __Historia tou Hellinikou Kratous, 1830-1920 (History of the Greek State, 1830-1920).__  First edition: National Bank of Greece, Athens 2004. Fifth revised edition: Hestia, Athens 2009, two volumes, i - xxvii pages + 1.248 pages + 80 pages of illustrations + 172 tables and graphs in texto.