!!Nicolas Demaurex - Curriculum Vitae
__1. Personal data__
*Born: 1963\\
*Nationality: Swiss\\
*Marital Status: Married, three children\\
*Academic Grade Professor, University of Geneva
__2. Current Position__
*Full professor, Department of Cell Physiology and Metabolism, Geneva, Switzerland\\
*Teaching 20%, research 60%, administration 20%
__3. Education__
*1982-89 Medical School, University of Geneva, Switzerland\\
*1993 Thesis in Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland\\
*1993 Thesis in Biological Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland\\
*2001 Privat-Docent, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
__4. Professional Activities__
*1989-93 PhD Fellow, Infectious Diseases, Geneva University Hospitals (Prof. D. Lew)\\
*1994-96 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Division of Cell Biology, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada (Prof. S. Grinstein)\\
*1996-97 Maître Assistant, Medical Research Foundation Geneva (Prof. W. Schlegel)\\
*1997-03 Max Cloëtta fellow, Dept. of Physiology, University of Geneva, Switzerland\\
*2004 Associate Professor, Dept. of Cell Physiology and Metabolism, University of Geneva, Switzerland\\
*2010 Full Professor, Dept. of Cell Physiology and Metabolism, University of Geneva, Switzerland
__5. Teaching:__ 
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__''Pregraduate:''__ \\
*1997-  Faculty Tutor for 2nd and 3rd year Medical Students (28 h/year) \\
*2000-  co-organizer, Problem-based teaching unit « Excretion and Homeostasis »\\
*2000-  Organizer, 2nd year medical exams (QCM and practical, 120 students) \\
*2009-  Course on membrane transport, 1st year Medical Students (6 h/year)\\
*2011-  Member of the bachelor committee of the medical faculty
*1997-2001 Instructor, course on “Laboratory Techniques for MD” (40h/year)\\
*1999-  Instructor, post-graduate course in Cell and Molecular Biology (30h/year) \\
*2003 Organizer, Cell Imaging Course, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (96h)
__6. Awards__
*1993 Award from the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases\\
*1997 Career award from the Max Cloëtta Foundation, Zürich\\
*1999 Research Award from the Leenaards Foundation, Lausanne
__7. Membership of Scientific Societies__\\
Vice-president, Swiss Society of Physiology; Member, Society of General Physiologists, American Biophysical Society, Biochemical Society (UK)
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__8. Official Fonctions__
*2001 - 2012 Head, Bioimaging Core Facility, University of Geneva Medical School\\
*2006 - 2010 Chair, Department of Cell Physiology and Metabolism, University of Geneva \\
*2012 - present Vice-dean, faculty of medicine, University of Geneva \\
*2012 - present Member of the Federal Committee for Medical Professions (MEBEKO)
__9. Editorial Work__\\
Editorial adviser: Biochemical Journal. Regular referee: J. Biol. Chem., J. Physiol. Ad hoc referee: Cell, Science, Nature, PNAS, EMBO J., J.Clin. Invest, J. Immunol, J.Exp. Med, J. Cell Biol, J.  Cell Science, J. Gen. Physiol.,  Am. J. Physiol., Mol. Biol. Cell; Eur. J. Physiol., Biochem. Biophys. Acta; Mol. Biol. Cell, Cell Death and Differentiation, Cell Calcium, J. Leuk. Biology
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__10. Grants__
*1996-1999 SNF 31-46859.96 “Calcium homeostasis of the Golgi complex CHF 297’000.-\\
*1997 Sandoz Foundation “Mechanisms of Mycobacterium persistence in macrophages” CHF 47’868.- \\
*1999-2002 SNF 31-56802.99 “Calcium homeostasis of intracellular organelles and proton conductances” CHF 320’000.-
*2000 Roche Research Foundation grant: “Role of proton channels in the prevention of apoptosis“ CHF 40'000.- \\
*2002-2007 SNF 31-068317.02 “Role of mitochondria in calcium signalling and apoptosis. Identification and characterization of proton channels.”  CHF 798’300.- (incl. bonus of excellence for 2 years) \\
*2007-2010  SNF 31003A_118393 “Signalling proteins and ion channels of the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and phagosomes” CHF 479’000.- \\
*2010-2013 SNF 31003B_118393 “Signalling proteins and ion channels of the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and phagosomes” CHF 521’294.- (bonus of excellence)
__11. Thesis supervision__\\
Completed: Andrès Maturana (Thesis in Biology, 2002), Hélène Jousset (Thesis in Biology, 2007), Nathalie Girardin (Thesis in Biology, 2010), Samira Daou (Thesis in Bacteriology, 2011, Versailles University), WeiWei Shen (Thesis in Biology, 2012), Yves Gouriou (Thesis in Neurosciences, 2013)\\
Ongoing: Sophie Saüc (Thesis in Biological Sciences, 2012-), Daniele Guido (Thesis in Biological Sciences, 2013-) \\ \\
__12. Research focus__\\
Cell signalling; physiology of ion transport\\
Group members: Maud Frieden, MER; Paula Nunes, Jaime Santo-Domingo, Antoun El Chemaly, post-doctoral fellows; Sophie Saüc, Daniele Guido, Ph.D students; Cyril Castelbou, technician