!!Etienne Danchin - Curriculum Vitae
ED's Personal web page: [http://www.edanchin.fr]\\
Google Scholar citation list: [http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kbfmqYEAAAAJ]\\
*1973: ENS Ulm in Paris.\\
*1977: Agrégation of Biology (highest French diploma for high school teachers).\\
*1980: PhD in Reproductive Biology, University Paris 6.\\
*1988: State Thesis in Ecology and Evolution, University Paris 6.\\
*1982->: CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique).\\
*2011 ->: CNRS Director of Research 1, Head of the Laboratory EDB (100 staff)\\
*Member of many scientific & recruitment councils: National Council of French Universities (CNU for 20 years), universities (Paris,Toulouse), Paris Museum, Doctoral schools & Research Federations etc.\\
*Member and/or president of many evaluation committees for the CNRS, INRA and AERES\\
*Referee: ERC (Europe), NSERC (Canada), NSF (USA), ANR (France), FRB (France), IPEV (France)\\
*Raising funds to refurbish a 4500 m2 building (150 researchers + 120 students). 6.8 Million € from the State, Region, Europe (FEDER), University & CNRS\\
*Co-PI of the LABEX TULIP with D Roby (5 A+ labs; 9 M€ from 2011 to 2021)\\
*Director of UMR5174 “Évolution & Diversité Biologique” (EDB). 2011-2015. 100 staff\\
*Head of Evolutionary Ecology within UMR7625 (10years), research team of 15 researchers + 25 Students\\
*Referee for > 45 scientific journals, e.g. Science, PNAS, TREE, PLoS One, Ecol. Lett., Proc. Roy. Soc., Phil. Transac. Roy. Soc., Ecology\\
*Associate Editor: Ibis from 1996 to 2000 (IF: 2.3); Auk 1998 to 2000 (IF: 1.8)\\
*Member of the Scientific Committee of the ISBE conference in 2006 and the European Ornithological Union conference 2007\\
*Co-organizer of Darwin 2009 in Toulouse. 25 seminars for non-scientists, + a conference on “Evolution andmedicine” ([http://www.evolmed.fr]), and a 2-day symposium for teachers (with the Rectorat). Concerned over 5500 people. Sponsors: Toulouse Museum, CNRS, UPS, IFR40, EDB & Europe (FERDER)\\
*Teaching: A total of more than 1400 hours of university teaching (from L2 to M2R)\\
*Published a text book “Behavioural Ecology” (OUP) for university students and teachers (2008)\\
*16 PhDs, 23 DEAs and M2R, 2 Erasmus, 4 postdoc. >50 students for various types of university diplomas in various universities\\
*Won 860 000 € of research grants, plus 16 PhD Grants and 4 Postdocs\\
*A total of 18.39 M€ raised for collective achievements (buildings, research projects and communication towards grand public) since 2005