!!Pierre-Jean Corringer - Curriculum Vitae
__Academic positions__
*2012: Research Director (DR1)-CNRS\\
*2008: Research Director (DR2)-CNRS\\
*1995: Researcher-CR1-CNRS\\
*1993: Researcher-CR2-CNRS
__Research Experience__
*2013-present:  Director of a unit of research, Channel-Recepteors, CNRS UMR 3571, Institut Pasteur, Paris\\
*2007-2012:  Director of a G5 group of research, Channel-Receptors, CNRS UMR 3571, Institut Pasteur, Paris\\
*1994-2006: Unit receptors and cognition, Director Prof J.P. Changeux, Institut Pasteur, Paris\\
*1993: Post-doctoral fellow, Sussex University (UK), Director Prof D.W. Young\\
*1989-1992: PhD, Université Paris V, Director B.P. Roques
__Professional activities__
*Group leader of the channel-receptors research unit\\
*Supervisor of pHD (6) and Post-doctoral fellows (5)\\
*Author of 83 publications - Sum of times cited: 3714 - Average citations per item: 44- H index 30\\
*Co-organisators: Dr. A. Vincent-Salomon and Dr. J.Y. Pierga.\\
*Evaluation of projects for various funding agencies (AFM, ANR, BBSRC)
__Review of manuscripts for international journals__
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__Selected invited conferences__ \\
*Paris (France), 14-17 may 2013, Allosteric Interactions in cell signaling and Regulation\\
*Hangzhou (China), 5-9 may 2013, XIV Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms (ISCM)\\
*Woods-Hole (USA), 3-10 sept 2012, 66th meeting of the society of general physiologists\\
*San Diego (USA), 25-29 Feb 2012 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society\\
*Canberra (AUS), 23-24 Nov 2011, Australia-France Symposium\\
*Cambridge (UK), 18-21 may, 2011, Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor 2011\\
*New Mexico (USA), 23-28, jan 2011, Keystone Symposium\\
*San Diego (USA), 10-12 nov, 2010, twentieth Neuropharmacology conference\\
*San Francisco (USA), Feb 19-24, 2010. The future of Biophyscs Burroughs Wellcome Fund\\
*Symposium, 54th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society
__Participation to scientific committees__
*Member of the COMESP, Commission for recruitment and evaluation of the Institut Pasteur (2012-)\\
*Member of the editorial committee “Frontiers in Neuropharmacology”