!!Michele Caputo - List of publications
Michele Caputo is the author of about 300 scientific papers (sole author of 1/2 of the papers) and of the monographic books:
*The Gravity Field of the Earth, Academic Press, New York, 1967.
*Elasticità e dissipazione, Zanichelli Publisher, Bologna, 1969.
*Tsunamis of the Italian coasts, with G.F. Faita, Accad. Naz. Lincei , Roma , 1984.
*Sismologia e segnali precursori dei terremoti, Calderini Press, Bologna, 1987.
*Seismology and rheological tectonics, Università degli Studi di Roma, Department of Physics, 1996-97 (lectures notes).

He is the author of several chapters of: Geophysics of the Karakorum, Edited by A. Marussi, Brill-Leiden Holland, 1964. 

With N. Alfieri promoted and directed the survey of the farm fishing ponds, swimming pools and harbours of the Tyrrenian sea to establish its level from 500 B.C. to 200 A.D. The many paper book: Il livello Antico del mar Tirreno, Olschki Editor was published on that research.
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More information can be found [here|http://digilander.libero.it/idrana/caputo].
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