!!!Ayse Caglar
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2011, 02 University Professor, University of Vienna
* 2010, 01 - 2011 - Research group director at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Multiethnic and Multireligious Societies, Goettingen, Germany
* 2009 - Granted the title of University Professor, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
* 2006 - 2011 - Full Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
* 2003, 08 - 2006 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
* 1994-2002 - Assistant Professor at the Institut fuer Ethnologie, Free University Berlin, Germany
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2012-2014  “Diversity Identity” Prize by WWTF-Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds, Vienna, Austria for the project CITYSCALERS
* 2010-2014  Minerva Fellowship as research group director at Max Planck Institute, MMG, Goettingen, Germany
* 2009-2010  Fellow at Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study (could not accept), Budapest, Hungary
* 2009 September  Awarded the ”Egyetemi Tanar” title, the highest academic honor in the Hungarian higher education system,  conferred by the President of the Republic of Hungary
* 2009 January-June 2009  Willy Brandt Guest Professor at the Center for International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Malmö University, Sweden (could not accept)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Caglar_Ayse/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Caglar_Ayse/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Caglar_Ayse/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Caglar_Ayse/OtherInformation]

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