! A question-answer session with Pierre Braunstein. This is taken from the page ["Other Information" |User/Braunstein_Pierre/OtherInformation] \\

*__My favorite subjects at school __…ranged from Latin to sciences, with an increasing emphasis on the latter
*__I chose chemistry as a career because__ … I enjoyed the subject, its relevance to everyday life, and its versatility.
*__When I wake up I__ … prepare breakfast and rush to the lab.
*__When I was eighteen I wanted to be __… a chemist because I had just started my first year in the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Mulhouse from which I graduated.
*__The most significant scientific advance of the last 100 years has been __… the atomic and molecular understanding of matter.
*__The biggest problem that scientists face is __… to generate public and political awareness and understanding (at least to some extent) of science and of its essential role.
*__The biggest challenge facing scientists is __… to continue to deliver solutions.
*__My favorite piece of research is __… Sorry, when you have many children, you love them all!
*__The most important future applications of my research are __… Any answer would be pretty conceited! If it has contributed to the advancement of our scientific knowledge, to the training of students and young scientists, and has inspired a few people, I would feel very pleased.
*__My first experiment was__… at home, as a teenager, playing with acids and bases from a chemistry kit, and as a PhD student, making the first complexes containing Pt-Mo and Pd-Mo bonds.
*__In a nutshell, my research involves __… the synthesis of new molecules and understanding their structures and properties.
*__The most exciting thing about my research is __… that it is never boring.
*__The secret of being a successful scientist is __… to follow your intuition, work hard, and remain enthusiastic about what you do.
*__The part of my job which I enjoy the most i__s … to discuss unexpected results with my co-workers and colleagues.