!!Leonard Blussé - Major Publications
[{Image src='blusse_leonard_visible_cities.jpg' caption='' height='160' alt='Leonard Blussé' class='image_left'}]''Visible Cities Canton, Nagasaki and Batavia and the Coming of the Americans''. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 2008. 
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''Shiba shiji-mo Badaweiya Tangrenshihui ''(The Chinese Community of Batavia at the End of the Eighteenth Century. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press 2002. 
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''Bitter Bonds, A Colonial Divorce Drama of the Seventeenth Century.'' Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers 2002. 
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''Retour Amoy, Anny Tan – Een vrouwenleven in Indonesië'', Nederland en China. Amsterdam: Balans Publishers. 
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''Ba-ta-wei-ya hua-jen yu Chung-ho maoyi'' (The Chinese of Batavia and Sino-Dutch trade). Gu­angxi People's Publishing Company, 1997. 
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''Zhong-he jiaowang shi'' (A History of Sino-Dutch Rela­ti­ons), Amsterdam: Otto Cramwinckel, 1989,1999. (Dutch translation Tribuut aan China. 1989, 2008, Japanese Translation Ryu to Mitsubachi, Chugokukai-eki no orandajin yonhyakunenshi, Tokyo: Koyo Shobo, 2008). 
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''Strange Company, Chinese Settlers, Mestizo Women and the Dutch in VOC Batavia'', (Verhandelingen KITLV 122), Dordrecht: Foris 1986, 1988). 
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''Nederlanders Overzee''. (with Jaap de Moor) Wever, Franeker 1983.