!! Christopher Bayly - Publications
__List of key publications:__\\ \\
*The Local Roots of Indian Politics. Allahabad 1880-1920 (1975)\\
*Rulers, Townsmen and Bazaars. North Indian Society in the Age of British Expansion, 1780-1870 (1983)\\
*Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire (1988)\\
*Imperial Meridian. The British Empire and the World, 1780-1830 (1989)\\
*Empire and Information. Intelligence gathering and social communication in India 1780-1870 (1996)\\
*The Origins of Nationality in South Asia (1997)\\
*The Birth of the Modern World. Global Connections and Comparisons 1780-1914 (2004)\\
*Forgotten Armies. The Fall of British Asia 1941-45 with Dr Tim Harper (2004)\\
*Professor Bayly is collaborating with Dr Tim Harper on Forgotten Wars: revolution and the end of empire in British Asia, 1945-55.\\