Christel Baier#

Short laudatio by Reinhard Wilhelm#

Christel Baier despite her young age has already published over hundred scientific papers and two books, both of them with prominent publishers, and has left her stamp as one of the leading theory based researchers in Europe. This is also evident by the fact that she has already given some 20 keynotes and that some of her results have provided the basis for valuable applications in industry. 2010 she was nominated for the Leibniz DFG-award.

Baier was one to recognize the importance of probabilistic verification early. She is internationally seen as the German mother of this important area. Together with Prof. Kwiatkowska, Oxford she is author of the first and important publications on this subject and the developer of the algorithmic basis of PRISM. It must be understood that also 100% verification is often impossible, 99.999% verification, using probabilistic methods is, and is sufficient for a range of important applications. Hence the deep theoreticla work of Baier has lead to very successful applications and is sucha typical show-case of the importance of theory also to industry.

Baier has substantially contributed to over 40 conferences and workshops, in 2010 e.g. to 8. She has been involved in over 20 Ph.D. supervisions, has been reviewer for project proposals submitted to the German Research Foundation and similar institutions in Canada, Czech Republic, France, Israel and The Netherlands, and for ERC Starting Grant proposals and reviewer for several promotion procedures for professorships and reviewer for various journals and conferences. She was vice-chair of the Institute for Computer Science at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn (2001-2002).

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