Photo Album#

Professional joys ...#

Corrado Böhm
In La Chatre, at the Ecole de printemps on lambda-calcul, Corrado with (from left) Simona Ronchi, Betti Venneri, Mariangiola Dezani and Silvio Micali (1978)

Corrado Böhm with his wife Eva and Rita Levi Montalcini
Corrado Böhm with his wife Eva and Rita Levi Montalcini. Rita Levi Montalcini, a relative of Corrado Böhm, is a Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1986.

Corrado "entangled". In Crete, at the ceremony where he was granted The award of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. (2002).

Corrado Böhm
Corrado Böhm on his 80th birthday, with some of his closest former students, January 2003

Corrado Böhm
In Rome, at the Birthday of Mario Coppo,with Mariangiola Dezani and Simona Ronchi (2007)

... and private happiness#

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