!!Academia Europaea webinar on ‘New perspectives on COVID-19’
__26th January 2021, 14:00 CEST, 13:00 GMT__
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!About the webinar

This webinar on ‘New Perspectives on COVID-19’ will consist of 6 presentations by Members of Academia Europaea, who have all recently published papers on various biomedical aspects of COVID-19. The presentations will address a wide range of issues, including the genetics of the disease, how the virus enters cells, a focus on the vulnerable lipid envelope of the virus, how to explain the mysterious silent hypoxemia that gives rise to uncompensated low oxygen levels in the blood, a new ion channel target in the airways and how to understand the psychiatric aspects of COVID-19. The short presentations will be followed by a discussion session moderated by Ole Petersen.
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This webinar is aimed at an international audience, in particular researchers, biomedical students, clinicians, and professionals in the healthcare and biomedical fields.
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![Register here|https://cardiff.zoom.us/webinar/register/1516057917088/WN_aYtV_rhQT3GiLP4XvRdjjQ].
!Confirmed speakers

[{Image src='Ole-Petersen-square-270x270.jpg' caption='' height='150' alt='' class='image_left'}]__Ole Petersen MAE: Chair and Introduction__
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[Ole Petersen|Member/Petersen_Ole] is Professor of Physiology in the [School of Biosciences|https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/biosciences] at [Cardiff University|https://www.cardiff.ac.uk]. Professor Petersen is Vice-President of Academia Europaea and Director of the [AE Cardiff Knowledge Hub|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales]. He is Chief Editor of [American Physiological Society|https://www.physiology.org/?SSO=Y]’s Open Access flagship journal ‘[Function|https://academic.oup.com/function]’ which was launched in 2020.
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[{Image src='ODonnell_Valerie_150x150.jpg' caption='' height='150' alt='' class='image_left'}]__Valerie O'Donnell MAE: Targeting the viral lipid envelope of SARS-COV-2__
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[Valerie O’Donnell|Member/O'Donnell_Valerie] is Professor of Biochemistry and Co-Director of [Cardiff University|https://www.cardiff.ac.uk]'s [Systems Immunity Research Institute|https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/systems-immunity]. 
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__Giuseppe Novelli MAE: Genetics underlying severe COVID-19__
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[Giuseppe Novelli|Member/Novelli_Giuseppe] is Professor of Medical Genetics and President of the [University of Rome Tor Vergata|http://web.uniroma2.it].
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__Jose Lopez-Barneo MAE: Silent hypoxemia in COVID-19__
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[José López-Barneo|Member/López-Barneo_José] is Professor of Medical Physiology and Biophysics. He is Director of the [Institute of Biomedicine of Seville|https://eatris.eu/institutes/institutesinstitute-of-biomedicine-of-seville-ibis].
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__Bernard Rossier MAE: COVID-19: critical role of sodium transport in the airways__
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[Bernard Rossier|Member/Rossier_Bernard] is Emeritus Professor and former Director of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology and former Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the [University of Lausanne|https://www.unil.ch/central/en/home.html].
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__Alex Verkhratsky MAE: Psychiatric face of COVID-19__
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[Alex Verkhratsky|Member/Verkhratsky_Alexei] is a Professor of Neurophysiology at the [University of Manchester|https://www.manchester.ac.uk].