!!Conference to celebrate 
!!János Kornai’s 90th birthday at the School of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest
!!The importance of János Kornai's research for understanding the changing role of the state in the economy
__21 February 2018__
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The role of the state in the economy is profoundly changing in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. In Europe, in some countries the liberal political order is gradually challenged by governments with a protectionist, nationalist and ultimately authoritarian agenda. These new governments establish, function and solidify new government institutions and redefine market relations among private actors in a way that profoundly alters the state-society nexus. The financial crisis also had important repercussions on the functioning of the capitalist system. The economic institutions that were supposed to stabilize economic activities must be reformed and new institutions invented. Profound changes are under way not only in Europe, but also in the US under President Trump’s administration, that are bound to have consequences for the functioning of market institutions through redefining institutions of trust. In the developing world, numerous economies are under transformation. Most notably, China is in the quest for a new economic model to reform its Regionally Decentralized Authoritarianism.
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We are only at the beginning of understanding these profound institutional changes of our economies. In searching for analytical tools and concepts to describe these changes we turn to the greatest minds for guidance. [János Kornai|Member/Kornai_János] is probably one of the most significant thinkers who can direct us in our quest for scientific clarity in institutional transformations. His insights into the functioning of the socialist and capitalist systems, the transition from socialism to capitalism and shortcomings of the institutions of market economies provide a plethora of analytical tools. The aim of this conference - organized on the occasion of Kornai’s 90%%sup th/% birthday - is to bring together scholars from a wide variety of disciplines (economists, political economists, political scientists, sociologists and historians), advanced scholars as well as PhD students who build on Kornai’s insights ([http://www.kornai-janos.hu]) in their own research.
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We invite paper proposals that focus on János Kornai’s contribution to economic analysis within the following issues, broadly conceived:
*Soft Budget Constraints
*“islands of shortage” within surplus economies
*socialist and capitalist systems
*continuing the anti-equilibrium
*China’s economic and political systems
*economic institutions
*economic development
*varieties of capitalism
*economic and political centralization
*the system paradigm

!Keynote speakers: 

__Eric Maskin__, Harvard University, Nobel Laureate\\

__Geoffrey Hodgson__, Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire\\

!Invited speakers: 

__Erik Berglof__, London School of Economics\\

__Philippe Aghion__, Collège de France, Harvard University, London School of Economics
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Selected papers will be published as a special issue in the ''__Journal of Institutional Economics__''.
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Young scholars are encouraged to submit their research paper for consideration for the Best Paper
Award. The award is presented for the best conference paper by scholars younger than 35 years.
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Please email __paper proposals__ (including a paper title, an abstract of 250-300 words, the author’s email
address and a short bio) to [kornai90_abstract@uni-corvinus.hu|mailto:kornai90_abstract@uni-corvinus.hu]
!Organizing committee:

Miklós Rosta (Corvinus University of Budapest), Dóra Piroska (Corvinus University of Budapest),
Andrea Reményi (Corvinus University of Budapest), Ádám Kerényi (CERS-HAS), Márton Katona (Corvinus University of Budapest)
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__Contact: [kornai90@uni-corvinus.hu|mailto:kornai90@uni-corvinus.hu]__
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__Venue:__ Corvinus University of Budapest, Fovam ter 8, Budapest, 1093, HUNGARY
!Scientific committee: 

Attila Chikán (Corvinus University), László Csaba (Corvinus University and Central European University), Mária Csanádi (CERS-HAS), Bruno Dallago (University of Trento), Karen Eggleston (Standford University), Péter Gedeon (Corvinus University), Dóra Győrffy (Corvinus University and Pázmány University), Mihály Laki (CERS-HAS), Péter Mihályi (Corvinus University), Yingyi Qian (Tsinghua University), Gerard Roland (Berkeley University), András Simonovits (CERSHAS), Katalin Szabó (Corvinus University)

!Conference fee
Regular Rates 80 €\\
PhD/Masters Students 40 €\\
Fees can be paid only by bank transfer. Payments are due on February 1 2018.
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Name: Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem\\
Address: 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.\\
Bank name: Magyar Államkincstár\\
Bank address: 1054 Budapest, Hold u. 4.\\
Bank account: 10032000-00282857-00000000\\
IBAN: HU74 1003 2000 0028 2857 0000 0000\\

!Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: September 15, 2017\\
Notification of acceptance: October 1, 2017\\
Payment of conference fees: February 1, 2018\\
Full paper submission: February 1, 2018
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Download the [document|Call for papers_Kornai.pdf]
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