!!Social Sciences Section Newsletter
!July 2016

Last Annual Meeting (june 26-29) was a great success for the Social Sciences, with the presentation of a mini-symposium on Migration and Identity (in partnership with ALLEA). 
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Under the chair of Anne Buttimer, five speekers could give their views on "migration and identity" (Antoine Bailly, Social Sciences; Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, Law; Ayhan Kaya, ALLEA; Peter Scott, Behavioural Sciences; Klaus Zimmermann, Economics).
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Two of our new members gave interesting lectures. Franck Geels on System innovation and Sustainability Transition and Sophie Body-Gendrot on Public Disorder and Globalization.
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During A2 Class Bonn meeting new members were elected:
*[Alexander Fotheringham|Member/Fotheringham_Alexander_Stewart]
*[Michael Heffernan|Member/Heffernan_Michael]
*[Kène Henkens|Member/Henkens_Kène]
*[Desmond King|Member/King_Desmond]
*[Mladen Lazic|Member/Lazić_Mladen]
*[André Torre|Member/Torre_André]
Do not forget that any member can propose candidates for 2017. The nomination period will open on December 1, 2016 and close on April 30, 2017. Please look on the Academia site for nomination procedures.
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Now we have to think of next year Annual Meeting in Budapest next September. The 2017 Erasmus Medal will be awarded to a researcher in the A2 Class Group (Behavioural and Social Sciences, Law and Economics). You will be informed early 2017 on the choice.
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To prepare our Budapest meeting we are proposing with Section Chairs of Class 2 the following contributions on the overall theme of "Migration and Societal Resilience".
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These contributions, following on those already to be presented at the Cardiff conference, will comprise the harvest of concerted efforts by the four Sections over the coming year, via workshops and networked scholarly activities, focussing on four distinct aspects of societal resilience on the parts of both host societies and migrant communities:
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A7 (Behavioural Sciences elucidating education aspects; A8 (Social Sciences) elucidating socio-spatial aspects; A9 (Law) elucidating legal aspects and A10 (Economics and Business Administration) elucidating issues of livelihood and markets.
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Three distinct contributions to the Budapest conference are envisaged:
#A plenary conference session (90 mins, ideally 180 mins) with eight speakers (two from each Section) with short presentations and time for general discussion

#A collection of draft papers by Section members on actual challenges of resilience posed by the recent influx of migrants and refugees to various European countries. These could be made available – in digital and print form – and part of a more general display of recent publications on migration issues on a Table at the session (or in the Conference Exhibit space)

#Video recorded accounts of actual cases of encounter between hosts and migrants in particular locations, e.g., in Italy, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Poland, UK, etc., illustrating cases of reasonably resilient outcomes and grossly non-resilient ones. These could be made available for projection – possibly with the presence of the producers – at the Exhibition area of conference.
If you are interested in one of the contributions, please contact Renato Scariati (e-mail: [renato.scariati@unige.ch|mailto:renato.scariati@unige.ch]) or your chair (e-mail: [antoine.bailly@unige.ch|mailto:antoine.bailly@unige.ch]).
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__Antoine Bailly__
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Download the [document|AE_Social_Sciences_Newsletter_July_2016.pdf]