!!Burgen Scholars 2012

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__Maja Elstad__
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PHYSIOLOGY & MEDICINE: Cardiovascular control – University of Oslo
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Background in mathematics and natural sciences before medical studies at the University of Oslo. After 18 months obligatory internship, she returned to the University of Oslo for her PhD studies with a grant from the Norwegian Health Association. She defended her PhD thesis on cardiac stroke volume variations in December 2009. She spent a year as a visiting postdoc in Professor Marianne Thoresen’s group in Bristol, UK.
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__Janne Grønli__ 
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NEUROPHYSIOLOGY:  Sleep Disorders  - University of Bergen
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Masters in chemistry at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; PhD in neurophysiology at The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and postdoctoral work in biological and medical psychology at The Faculty of Psychology, all at University of Bergen. Editor of the Norwegian Journal ‘SØVN’ and hold the position as Center Coordinator at the Norwegian Competence Center for Sleep Disorders at Haukeland University Hospital.
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[{Image src='Hannisdal_Bjarte.jpg' caption='' height='200' class='image_left' alt='Bjarte Hannisdal'}]
__Bjarte Hannisdal__
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EARTH SCIENCES: Geobiology – University of Bergen
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He obtained his Ph.D. in Geophysical Sciences from the University of Chicago in 2006.
Bjarte investigates the interactions between geological and biological systems on different spatial and temporal scales. In particular, he works on methods for quantitatively characterizing such interactions in the deep past. 
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[{Image src='Holst_Cathrine1_small.jpg' caption='' height='200' class='image_left' alt='Cathrine Holst'}]
__Cathrine Holst__  
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SOCIAL SCIENCE/PHILOSOPHY: Gender Studies - University of Oslo
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PhD at the University of Bergen in 2005. Currently Senior Researcher, ARENA – Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo, and previously Postdoctor at Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo (2008-2012), and Associate Professor in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen (2005-2008). She has been Visiting Fellow at Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute (2012) and Visiting Scholar at Freie Universität, Institut für Philosophie, Berlin (2003) and at New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty, New York (2001). 
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[{Image src='Jaasted_Hilde1_small.jpg' caption='' height='200' class='image_left' alt='Hilde L. Jåstad'}]
__Hilde L. Jåstad__
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HISTORY: Demography in late 19th and early 20th centuries - University of Tromsø
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Ph.D in History from the University of Tromsø, Norway in 2011. Her doctoral thesis was entitled “Northern Co-residence across Generations in Northernmost Norway during the Late Nineteenth Century”. Her Ph.D fellowship was part of the international Boreas project, which was the first circumpolar initiative in the humanities with innovative collaboration between Europe, the US, Canada and Russia.
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During her doctoral studies she received a Fulbright stipend, enabling her to stay as a visiting scholar at the Minnesota Population Center in 2009. In 2004 she was awarded with Åse Hiorth Lervik’s prize for best Master thesis with a gender perspective written at the University of Tromsø. The strength of her research is the combination of complex statistical analysis with qualitative historical source criticism. 
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[{Image src='Jensen_Oyvind.jpg' caption='' height='200' class='image_left' alt='Øyvind Jensen'}]
__Øyvind Jensen__
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THEORETICAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Computational challenges - University of Bergen
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Matriculated at the University of Bergen in 1999. After two years of study at the Faculty of Humanities he switched to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to study physics. Jensen focused on computational challenges in theoretical nuclear physics and defended his PhD thesis “Spectroscopic factors with Coupled Cluster, connecting ab initio nuclear structure to reactions” in 2011. 
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__Christian Jørgensen__
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EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY:  Fish evolution - University of Bergen
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Studied biology and philosophy at Berge. For his Master’s Degree he investigated physiology and diving development in harbour seal pups, which involved living three months on an unpopulated island at Spitsbergen, 78°N. Having realized that field work is nothing less than fantastic when single but more problematic in combination with family life, he turned to theoretical work, which requires only pen and paper or at most a computer, for his PhD. He developed life history models for the Atlantic cod to study how industrial fishing causes contemporary evolution of life history traits. 
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__Reidar Maliks__
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POLITICAL THEORY: Kant - University of Oslo
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Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights,  Prior to Oslo he was a Junior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford (2009-11), a Lecturer at Harvard University (2008-9), and a Preceptor at Columbia University (2005-8). Reidar was awarded a Ph.D. in political theory at Columbia University in 2008. He received an MA in political science at the New School for Social Research, in 2001, and a Cand. Philol. in philosophy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, in 1999. Reidar has twice received the Derek Bok Certificate of Distinction in Teaching at Harvard University. 
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__Lauren A. Rogers__
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ECOLOGY: Fish populations - University of Oslo
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Lauren is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) at the University of Oslo. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Earth Systems Science from Stanford University and a doctoral degree in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences from the University of Washington. Originally from Seattle, USA, Lauren visited Norway and CEES in 2009 on a research fellowship sponsored by the US National Science Foundation and the Research Council of Norway. She returned in 2011 to pursue postdoctoral research at the same institute. 
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__Yasser ROUDI__
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STATISTICAL PHYSICS: Neural networks - Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU, in Trondheim
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BSc in Physics from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, in 2001 and then moved to Trieste to do a PhD at SISSA. He obtained his PhD cum laude in 2005 and afterwards spent three years at University College London as a Senior Research Fellow. During this period he also worked at Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics of Cornell University as a visiting scientist after winning a Bogue Research Fellowship. He then spent two years from 2008 to 2010 at NORDITA, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, as a Nordic Fellow.